What are the different forms of pesticides?

Pesticides refer to chemical substances or a combination of chemical substances used to control, repel and destroy pests. Depending on the characters and needs, they are available in different types with a wide range of applications. In this blog, we will talk about the various forms of pesticides and their uses. Continue reading for more information.

Factors responsible for the loss of crops

Since centuries, crops have been exposed to different types of stresses, including biotic and abiotic, whose combined influence can severely impact agricultural produce. Abiotic stresses (physical forces) could include shortage or excess of water during growth seasons, unpredictable temperatures, drought, high salinity, unavailability of essential nutrients, deficiency of minerals, pollutants etc. whereas, biotic stresses (biological organisms) could refer to insect pests, fungus, bacteria, virus, weeds etc.

Read More - https://www.dhanuka.com/blogs/what-are-the-different-forms-of-pesticides

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