Management of Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)

Agriculture is not a day’s job, and it is very crucial for the smooth functioning of our day to day life. A lot of planning goes into producing healthy crop yields. It was the key development in the rise of sedentary human civilization. Farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that enabled people to live in cities. A wide variety of pests attack the agriculture and horticulture crops, the most important ones being insects, mites, nematodes, and gastropod mollusks.
The brown planthopper is an insect pest of rice in terai regions. It is a small brown insect found mainly on the base of rice plants above the water level. This pest is favored in moist, humid and warm conditions, staggered rice planting, presence of ratoons from the previous rice crop, and high doses of urea. Weekly inspection for this pest and its natural enemies on the lower part of stems and the water surface is necessary as this pest builds up very rapidly in a short time.

Damage Symptoms

  • Leaves turn to yellow and later brownish
  • Hopper burn
  • Presence of honeydew and sooty molds at the basal parts
  • More severe during the panicle initiation stage


  • Cultural Practices
    • Avoid the use of excess nitrogen
    • Alternate wetting and drying the field during peak infestation
    • Apply the recommended dose of nitrogen fertilizer
    • Monitoring of BPH at base of the plant 30 days after transplanting at weekly interval

  • Chemical Control

    • Avoid staggered planting and destroy ratoons of the previous rice crops in your village
    • Use a balanced dose of fertilizer.
    • Avoid dense planting by planting rice seedlings
    • Apply effective BPH control insecticides

Dhanuka’s Apply (Pymetrozine 50% WG) is known for the best chemistry for effective control on BPH. It is a systemic insecticide and translaminar insecticide which paralyzes the hoppers stops their egg-laying and kills the insects from starvation. It is to be noted here that if brown planthopper attack occurs after the milking stage, it will be too late to damage yield, so there is no need to apply insecticides.

Read More:  धान एवं बासमती - फसल प्रबंधन

Dhanuka Agritech Ltd is one of India’s leading agrochemical company providing solutions for all the major crops grown in the country. It is a wondrous brand that not only promotes healthy production of the crops but also vouches for environmental sustainability along with it. All their insecticides are effective on the vegetation to increase the yield of crops. It is one of the leaders in the manufacturing of healthy pesticides, especially insecticides.

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