The Benefits of Using Glyphosate Herbicide

The face of global agriculture has changed in the past 4 decades. Many new practices and
technologies have been introduced and implemented to increase crop yield and reduce soil loss, water usage, and greenhouse gas emission. Glyphosate herbicides have made a huge and positive contribution to both food security and environmental protection. They have been proven safe for human health and the environment when used as per the stated measures.

Apart from these, there are many other benefits provided by glyphosate herbicides. These are:

  • Reduction in manual labor for weed control: The availability of many labor substituting technologies, including glyphosate herbicide, has releases labor from weeding. This helps in focusing more time on other economic opportunities.
  • Reduces the conventional tilling: A major issue for farmers is to prepare the soil for the next round of seeding be preventing weed competition. The use of glyphosate-based herbicides has allowed farmers to reduce their reliance on conventional tilling as a means of preventing weed competition.
  • Reduces pest pressure: Use of glyphosate herbicide at the pre-emergence stage helps kill the pests and thus minimize the damage to the crops.
  • Improve the crop quality and yield: Without a weed problem, crops take advantage of space, light, water, and nutrients. Therefore, resulting in higher yields and quality of crops.
  • Serious economic advantage to farmers and consumers: The loss of glyphosate-based herbicide would immediately reduce global farm incomes.
  • Transforming low-income economies: The rapid increase in the use of glyphosate herbicides has been driven in part by an increase in access to global markets. These additions have positively affected labor productivity, resulting in higher incomes for farmers.

Also, let’s look at some environmental benefits of Glyphosate Herbicide

  • Positively impacts soil and water quality
  • They have a shorter life span and safer chemistry than many other herbicides
  • These herbicides reduce CO2 emissions
  • When used correctly residual traces poses no threat to human safety
Glyphosate helps farmers and homeowners control weed in many plantings such as:

  • A wide variety of vegetable, fruit and food crops
  • Ornamental planting, greenhouses, forest planting, etc

Dhanuka Agritech Ltd is a leader in the manufacturing market of pesticides, especially agricultural herbicides. Not only herbicides but all of their crop products are researched well under the guidance of expert scientists and researchers. Today they have an extensive portfolio of products, successfully helping the farmers to increase their crop yield, with minimal damage caused to humans.

Read More:  Water Crisis in India – A Man-made Disaster

Dhanuka’s Noweed (Glyphosate 41% SL) is a non-selective systematic herbicide. It controls both annual and perennial weeds very effectively. After spraying Noweed, it is absorbed by the weed plants and translocates up to roots and kills all types of weeds completely.

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