Various Pest Issues and Solutions In Tea Plantation

It won’t be wrong to say that tea can be the national drink of India. In every part of India, it is the most preferred form of a drink. Taken in different forms and choices, it is very refreshing and relaxing for most.


Tea is a tree or a shrub in the family Theaceae, grown to make beverages. The leaves are leathery in texture, matte green in color, and have serrated edges. The plant is originally from China. It is mostly infused with boiling water to produce an infused drink.


Tea grows in warm and humid climates. It tolerates the temperatures between 14 and 27 degrees Celsius. It does not tolerate frost and means temperatures should not fall below 13 degrees Celsius or exceed 29 degrees Celsius. It is propagated from seed or rooted leaf cutting. Seeds are commonly germinated by placing them between wet cloths. The ones that germinate successfully are transferred to the nursery bed to grow for 2-3 years.

Care & Maintenance

Newly planted tea plantations must be kept free from weeds while the tea plant flourishes. Weeding should be done by hands, and tea plants should be pruned to encourage the production of lateral branches. Tea plants are usually fertilized 2-3 times per year. The number of nutrients required depends on the soil’s deficiencies and should ideally be based on soil testing.

Common Diseases

Algae Leaf Spot: It emerges, favored by high temperature and humidity. The symptoms show grey, green, or tan raised spots or blotches with green margins on leaves. To battle this,

  • one should avoid overhead irrigation,
  • provide adequate space between plants to maximize air circulation around the foliage
  • Avoid wounding plants
  • Prune out diseased parts of plants
  • Application of appropriate protective fungicide

Blister Blight: Small, pinhole size spots on young leaves, which become transparent, larger and light brown. These are caused by fungus. Apply appropriate foliar or systematic fungicides to protect the plants.

Camellia Flower Bright: Caused by a fungus, this disease causes small, brown, irregular-shaped spots on the flower petals. This emerges early in springs during periods of high moisture. To manage the disease, remove all the infected flowers and crop debris from and around the plants, and drench the soil with appropriate fungicides. The method helps to reduce the intensity of the disease.

Common Pests (Insects)

Aphids: These small soft-bodied insects cause leaves to turn yellow and/or distorted, or causes necrotic spots on leaves. Aphids secrete a sticky, sugary substance called honeydew which encourages the growth of sooty mold on the plants.

Read  More : कपास एवं नरमा - फसल प्रबंधन

Tea Scale: The symptoms include:

  • Pale yellow spots on leaves
  • Entire leaves yellowing
  • Leaves turning brown and dropping prematurely
  • Reduced flower size

Dhanuka Agritech Ltd is a well-known, award-winning agricultural company providing the best agrochemical solutions. The company manufactures impeccable and effective tea insecticides and tea pesticides for tea crop issues. Dhanuka Agritech regularly encourages good agricultural practices and offers the best solutions for nearly every crop in India. It is recognized as one of the leaders amongst Indian Agrochemical Companies in branded agrochemical product sales. Visit their website for more information about their products and details.

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