How Plant Growth Regulators Affect the Growth of the Plants


Plants and crops are two of the very basic elements of nature’s existence, and they are foremost in bringing together a country’s progress and growth. It is also necessary for them to have healthy growth in order for their optimum survival. 

The basic elements that are necessary for crops and plants to grow are:

·         Light: Plants require light to manufacture their food. Limited or absence of light severely harms the development of plants. It encourages flowering and fruiting.

The variation of light and its quality influence the:

o   Movement of stomata

o   Chlorophyll synthesis

o   Photosynthesis

     o   Other physiological factors 

·         Water: Plants cannot survive without water. The roots and other parts of the plants become stressed in the absence of water and might die. Water that is present in the soil is absorbed by the plant and thus the necessary nutrients along with it. Water is essential for keeping plants hydrated.

·         Temperature: Plant growth is greatly influenced by temperature. Various plants require different temperatures for their growth. Though commonly it can be seen that high temperatures speed up transpiration, photosynthesis, and germination processes. However, low temperatures slow down the growth of the plants.

·        Nutrients: Just like us, plants also require the right nutrients for their growth and development. Deficiency of these nutrients results in plants having lots of diseases.

Soil nutrients are divided into:

o   Micronutrients

     o   Macronutrients   

This is where plant growth regulators come as enhancers in the growth of the plants. Apart from the factors stated above, plants also require certain chemical substances to manage their growth & development. These chemical substances are known as plant growth regulators.

Read also: Major Environmental Changes Affecting The Crops

These chemical regulators affect the growth of the plants in terms of:

·         Flowering

·         Ageing

·         Root Growth

·         Prevention or promotion of stem elongation

·         Colour enhancement of fruit

       ·         Prevention of leafing, leaf fall or both 

The 5 groups of plant growth regulators are:

·         Auxin: Auxin is the active ingredient in most rooting compounds in which cuttings are dipped during vegetative propagation.

·         Gibberellin: They stimulates cell division and elongation, break seed dormancy and speed germination.

·         Cytokinin: Found both in plants and animals they stimulate cell division and often are included in the sterile media uses for growing plants from tissue culture.

·         Ethylene: It includes ripening, causes leaves to droop and drop and promote senescence. It is also used to ripen fruit.

·         Abscisic acid: It induces dormancy and prevents seeds from germinating; causes abscission of leaves, fruits, and flowers; and causes stomata to close.

Dhanuka Agritech Ltd is the best agrochemical company in India and is a leader in the manufacturing market of plant growth regulators. Not only that but all of their crop products are researched well under the guidance of expert scientists and researchers. Today they have an extensive portfolio of products, successfully helping the farmers to increase their crop yield, with minimal damage caused to humans. Visit their website for their extensive portfolio and other information. 


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